Car Maintenance 101: 6 Simple Tips for Taking Care of Your Classic Car

Car Maintenance 101: 6 Simple Tips for Taking Care of Your Classic Car

Cars Maintenance.

Car Maintenance 101: 6 Simple Tips for Taking Care of Your Classic Car

As a classic car owner, you know that older cars, no matter how well restored, are more challenging to maintain than modern cars.

Your passion and love for these old masterpieces is rewarding, but if you just bought your first-ever oldtimer, you should have a few maintenance tricks up your sleeve to give it the best life possible.

Here are our proven tips for taking care of your classic car and making sure it lasts for years to come.

1. Schedule Regular Checkups

Regular checkups can be the determining factor of your car’s health. Give your car a thorough checkup every 6 months to a year at a professional mechanic’s.

You could also perform occasional checkups yourself to detect any issues. Change the oil and other car fluids and check the tires for deflation or damage.

2. Check the Brakes

Original classic car brakes work a little differently than modern brakes, so it’s important to check them often. Change the brake fluid, replace the brake pedals (if needed), and test the brakes by doing a short lap.

3. Keep the Interior Clean and Shiny

Keeping your classic car interior clean and shiny will give you a more pleasant driving experience and prolong the life of your vehicle. Start by vacuuming the entire interior, polishing the seats, and wiping the inside windows and windshield.

4. Fix Any Exterior Damage

Once you inspect and clean the car interior, look around the exterior and see if there are any dents, scratches, or metal rust to deal with. Then, give the car a good waxing and apply anti-corrosion spray.

5.  Spruce Up the Battery

To ensure your classic car battery works well and lasts a long time, give it a thorough clean with warm water and a little baking soda using a toothbrush. If the battery is empty, charge it, but if you won’t be using the car for a while, it’s best to disconnect the battery until the car’s next outing.

6. Store Your Car Properly

As a final point, storing your classic car properly is key to its wellbeing and durability. As soon the weather gets colder, you need to store your car in an enclosed garage, away from the elements.

If you don’t have a garage, you can still protect your car by covering it with a custom-made tarp. This will help keep wind, rain, and snow away from your vehicle and keep the metal intact.

Keep Your Classic Car Looking and Feeling Smooth With These Simple Maintenance Tips

Car maintenance for classic cars is not the same as for regular cars. If you’re a new classic car owner, these tips will help you learn how to take the best care of your new vehicle.

At GoClassic, we’re passionate about our classic cars and we maintain and restore them with great attention to detail. Learn more about our beloved cars and let us know which one’s your favorite!

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